In this module,
Let’s define a simple parametric type for a graph:
mutable struct Graph{V, E <: Real}
edges::Vector{Tuple{V, V}}
In defining a Graph
type, we have also defined a constructor for this graph:
diamond = Graph([(:a, :b), (:a, :c), (:b, :d), (:c, :d)], [true, true, true, true])
Main.var"##275".Graph{Symbol, Bool}([(:a, :b), (:a, :c), (:b, :d), (:c, :d)], Bool[1, 1, 1, 1])
We may be interested in making it display a little more nicely, by overloading show
function, g::Graph)
return print(io, "A graph with $(length(g.edges)) $(eltype(g.weights)) edges")
The show
method is what is called when we type in the name of a variable, and we can
decide what to print as a return:
A graph with 4 Bool edges
We can now define a graph generator based on the Erdős–Rényi model – the
function to do so is a good encapsulation of concepts from the previous
modules, notably conditionals, the creation of struct
, and list
comprehensions. We will use the Combinatorics package to iterate over
nodes combinations.
using Combinatorics
But generating a random graph is, in a sense, using the generator to do what we want. And so we will get a little crafty here, and define a type that represents an algorithm:
abstract type AbstractGraphGenerator end
struct ErdosRenyi <: AbstractGraphGenerator
We can now create an ER generator by giving it n
(the number of nodes) and p
, the
probability of a connection between two nodes.
Are we closer to solving our problem? Yes! We can overload the generator for Graph
a new way, that accepts a single argument: an instance of ErdosRenyi
function Graph(er::ErdosRenyi)
vertices = collect(1:(er.n))
@assert zero(er.p) <= er.p <= one(er.p)
edges = [tuple(pair...) for pair in combinations(vertices, 2) if rand() <= er.p]
return Graph(edges, fill(true, length(edges)))
We can now create a graph, and check its type:
G = Graph(ErdosRenyi(10, 0.2))
A graph with 5 Bool edges
Main.var"##275".Graph{Int64, Bool}